The last breath of Winter

Fortunately, following the turbulence of winter comes the season of activity and opportunity called springtime. It is the season for entering the fertile fields of life with seed, knowledge, commitment, and a determined effort. ― Jim Rohn

the last winter breath


The snow has melted; the days are stretching and are finally lighter, there are buds on the tree branches and the flowers stuffed in the grass begin to bring colour to the streets. It's still cold but the Sun has been showing itself much more confidently and even on the still enduring dark days the Sun is lurking much more. Now the Winter is slowly drifting away and it begins to resemble a long forgotten dream.

This Winter may have been a bit harsh, particularly when the days were reduced to about 6h of dim light, it has also made me more self-aware & self-disciplined but there is still room for improvement, moving to a new country where the Light fades away so quickly during the Winter showed me that I am still a ways-to-go into prioritizing tasks and to make the most of the time I have. It’s all about getting more wisdom & skills. I’ve been learning that sometimes even though I might be standing still, moving forward or even what might be backwards is a possibility and that it is Okay to happen. Accepting, changing and being on the uncomfortable and raw path that is Growth.

I’ve been unplugging myself from the toxic noise; remaining in the silence where only subtle sounds come to life. Ever since I can remember from my childhood until nowadays I always preferred to spend some of my time in Silence and I’m grateful to still have the opportunity to have these moments. I think there’s something about it that brings us a deep understanding and connection with our inner self, to perceive our character and intuition. It is self-devotion  as important as breathing. On those moments of stillness I let my thoughts wander as if they were passing cars on a road. Brief moments of clarity and awareness that let me have an instant where I can stop trying and just Be.

Spring arrived, it is time to shake the Soul and set all the seeds we wish to become.

the last winter breath